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Home » Latest News » 3000 patients get free treatment, medicines at KAMPS’s free medical camp

3000 patients get free treatment, medicines at KAMPS’s free medical camp

Nearly 3000 underprivileged patients receive free treatment and medicines on Tuesday in a free medical camp at Shakhipur in Tangail.

Voluntary organisation Kidney Awareness, Monitoring and Prevention Society (KAMPS) organised the free medical camp, in a bid to paying tribute to the language martyred, marking the international mother language day 2023.

Being imbued with the spirit of the language day, KAMPS, a not for profit organisation, undertakes move to honour the martyred language heroes in a different way like providing free medical treatment to the segment of people deprived of opportunity.

As part of the free medical camp, a seminar was also organised at the same premises while a cover unveiling ceremony of the KAMPS’s publication (Proyash-19’ was held on the occasion.    

Local Member of Parliament (MP), Adv. JoaherulIslam, (VP Joaher) attended the event as chief guest while Deputy Commissioner and District Magistrate of Tangail District, Jashim Uddin Haider, Farzana Alam, Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO), Sarker Md. Kaiser Police Super, Tangail, Prof. Dr. Ekhlasur Rahman, Principal, Anwar Khan Modern Medical College Hospital were present as special guests.

Founder and Chairman of KAMPS Prof. Dr. MA Samad presided over the event also made a power presentation on the topic of the seminar, specially highlighting the overall scenario of Kidney diseases in the country including its reasons, treatment and consequences.

Speakers stressed need for concerted and planned efforts of the government, non-government and voluntary organizations to ensure kidney treatment for all.

They said that every possible effort should be made to ensure the right to treatment of kidney patients of all walks of life in remote areas of the country irrespective of rich and poor or disadvantaged groups.

Former Additional Secretary, Ministry of Commerce and President of Tangail District Association, Dhaka, Mansurul Alam Heera, Md Awlad Hossain Sumon, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Information, Prof Dr. Habubujjaman, Head, Forensic Department, Anwar Khan Modern Medical College and Hospital, Prof. Dr. Abdul Halim, Principal of Kumudini Womens Medical College, Prof. Dr. Fazlur Rahman, Prof. Dr. HarisulHuq, General Secretary, KAMPS, Md. Aminul EhsanKabir, Director, Education Audit Department, Md. Amin Sharif Supon, Member KAMPS, Dr. RuhulAmin Mukul, Upazila Family Planning Officer, Shakhipur, Md. Rezaul Karim, Officer Incharge (OC), Shakhipur Thana, Rezwan Salehin, Executive Director of the KAMPS also spoke on the occasion among others.      

Dr MA Samad, also the Head of the Department of Kidney at Anwar Khan Modern Medical College Hospital in his presentation highlighted widespread awareness among people to prevent the kidney diseases referring that the treatment of this disease is critical and it’s cost is excessively high that is not possible to bear for lower income segment of people.

He said that the cause of increase in kidney disease should be investigated and necessary steps should be taken after analyzing why it is not being possible to reduce the medical expenses.

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