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The traditional media outlets of Morocco are formed with broadcast, print, and internet. The country has a fair media climate but at some points, the media outlets are subject to repression and censorship. The government provides a huge amount of subsidy to the media outlets in order to control them. But it is not possible for the government always to control the media outlets. Sometimes, the outlets publish news and information which are not considered good for the government. Hence, the government is always careful about the matter to control the media contents lest they are not in trouble for the contents.

Often this is a challenge for the media outlets to publish or broadcast news and information that is beneficial for the readers and audience. But experiencing the restrictions, the outlets are unable to do so, and they adopt some self-censorship in this regard. But the government creates opportunities for the media outlets too so that they could continue their own practices but to a certain extent. Some of the media outlets openly question the policies adopted by the government and in such cases, the government interferes with the media outlets and compel them to change their opinion. This is a big trouble for both the media outlets and the government.

However, the media environment of the country has bloomed to a great extent and a good number of outlets from different categories are operating in the country. Even some of the foreign media outlets are also operating their business inside the land. Besides, readerships of the newspapers and audience of the other outlets are also increased comparing the neighboring lands. The country has several newspaper categories and television channels in line with radio stations. Besides, the country is well used to the internet and there are several internet-based outlets are available as well.

A couple of broadcast media is influenced by the state and they play the role of spokesman for the government. The issue is similar to the print outlets as well. But the private media outlets are not influenced by the government possession. But there are massive violations of the rules and regulation, the violators are punished severely. Even, the press law contains prison terms for such violations of the code of conduct. So, press freedom is not ensured always in the country.

Besides, the journalists are to experience huge troubles while collecting news and information for them. They do not get the necessary information when they need and the collection process is also hard for them. Whenever they go collecting any news, they are harassed to a different extent and if the outlet has some sort of enmity with the government, they journalists are harassed to the extreme. So, this is another challenge for the media outlets to operate in the country.

Over 40 newspapers are in operation in the country and they come with different language. Some of them are daily and there are some periodicals available as well. The newspapers provide a wide number of news and views to the audience. An important thing is that some of the newspapers maintain a self-censorship to avoid any sort of trouble.

The country has 17 television channels and they provide news and views of a varied interest. The television channels are available across the nation and the audience is also adorable. Most of the television channels provide the nation with interesting shows and events in line with news and information.

Thirteen radio stations are available in the country and they are available round the clock. Most of the radio stations come up with attractive shows and events. In fact, radio is one the most popular media outlet in the country.

The use of the internet is also adorable. The number of the internet users in on the rise and they use it to know about their surrounding events and happening. They also use the internet for social communication as well.

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