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Home » Asian All Media List » Philippines

Media in the Philippines has experienced some ups and downs through the ages. Media freedoms are less frequent in the country than the neighboring countries. Besides, commercial interests are more prevalent in the country. In fact, the commercial interests are the key controller of the media outlets. They manipulate the media outlets and dominate based on their needs. There are some free-to-air networks available in the country and they broadcast on local languages.

The key contents of the media outlets in the country are based on the recreational issues. They try to entertain a wide number of audience across the country. Most of the broadcast contents are movies and comedy shows. And they are viewed extensively. The media outlets in the country are comprised of different media outlets like newspapers, television channels, and radio stations.

Though the national constitution guarantees the media freedom, the reflection is not visible so much. There are some American influences is visible in the media outlets as well and thus the media outlets have gained a mistrust from the local people. It has happened because newspapers were introduced by US people in the country and the entire press system is their contribution.

In the beginning, the newspapers were under the subject of the US military censorship and sometimes they ran propaganda for the military. In later phases, there were changes in the scenarios but the censorship is still prevailing in some other forms.

The journalists in the country are not free from dangers and they experience newer forms of troubles every day. Even, a notable number of journalists have been killed while they were on duty while some of them have been abducted.

The number of newspapers in the country is around 500 and they are published in different terms. Most of them are published in the local Filipino language while there are some English dailies. Most of the newspapers are published on daily basis and the presence of the tabloids has made the print media outlets to compete with each other. They provide a wide variety of news and information for the readers’ interest.

Radio is a strong media outlet in the country and there are around 600 radio stations are available across Philippine. The radio stations broadcast bulletins and other news and events. Among the radio stations, there are 273 stations running in FM band.

The television channels have also a greater audience. At present, 18 television stations are under operation in the country, and they broadcast a good number of recreational events. The television channels are available across the country.

The rise of internet media is a positive aspect of the country. Almost all the print media outlets have their own online versions. The readership of such online newspapers is also notable.

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