The media in Thailand undergoes a huge pressure from the government and military forces. In some cases, the media outlets like local television channels are dominated by the government in full-fledged. Different types of media outlets are available across the country and they serve the nation in the right manners. But due to the pressure from the government and other sources, the media outlets are not always able to provide the right types of news and information to the audience.
The media outlets of the country consist of broadcast, print and electronic media. But all the media outlets have a serious type of competition among them. But the media outlets enjoy some freedom as well. They are allowed to exercise positive criticism of the government and in some cases, they also can point out the negative matters too for public exposure. However, a self-censorship is imposed on the mainstream media outlets and they maintain it based on the sensitive issues. When there are too many sensitive issues, they simply overlook the matter.
Majority of the media outlets in the country run on private initiatives. There are few state-run media outlets are also available. But the number of such outlets is limited. Regarding the language application, the majority of the media outlets operate in English and some of them use the traditional Thai language. But the television channels are a bit different from the other types of media. They prefer using the local language for their operation.
The media freedom was mostly hampered for some reasons. It is seen at some points that the media outlets are not working properly and their news and information were filled with mistakes. Often they used to provide misinformation to the readers. So, the government imposed some restrictions on them so that they exercise a good trend. Besides, the participation of foreign journalists in the country is also an issue that the government deals with great importance. A good number of scrutiny is done before allowing the foreign journalists to enter the country.
In Thailand, around 29 newspapers are available. They operate in different languages including English. The newspapers come with a wide variety of news and information for the readers. They often deal with issues like business, economics, sports, national and international issues. Some of the newspapers are published daily while some others are published on weekly or monthly basis.
Over 100 television channels are under operation in the country. They come with different types of news and information. Some the television channels are dedicated to a special group of audience. Even there are some television channels solely dedicated to the children too. So, for the availability of the television channels, they have become a great source of entertainment for everyone and the primary source for information.
Around 120 radio stations have their broadcast across the country. Some of them are AM while the remaining are FM radio broadcasters. Besides, the regional operation of radio stations is also notable in the country.
The number of internet users is on the rise in the country. And a good number of websites are available where they know about numerous types of news and information.