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Home » Australian All Media List » Chatham Island, NZ

Being an archipelago, the islands are favorite to the tourists. And there are lots of things to do and see. The media outlets are not available in the country as the number of population is fewer. There are around 600 people live in the islands. So, this is not a large number to establish media outlets. As a result, the islands have remained out of the touch from the modern world. But it does not point that the people living there are primitive. Rather, they have their links with the modern world by other means. A wide number of tourists come in the islands annually and they play the role of news bearers.

The archipelago is in the Pacific Ocean. Hence, the natural views are adorable. Crowds always flock to the islands to enjoy the natural beauty and the scenic views. Some of the places of the islands are used for farming purposes now while most of the places are preserved as natural reserves to conserve some of the special types of flora and fauna. The majority of the people in the islands are engaged in conserving the nature. Tourism is also an important aspect that has become the livelihood of some people. Besides, farming of agricultural products is a great source of income for the local inhabitants. Some of them are also engaged in fishing as well for their livelihood.

The settlers of the islands mostly use the indigenous language. The languages include Moriori and Wharekauri. Some other local dialects are also available but those are not used frequently. But when they serve the tourists ether from the mainland or from the outer regions, they try using English to communicate with them. So, the use of the English language is also available in the islands but in some minor extents. The islands are governed by a council that is similar to any other unitary authority. The council is independent and does not belong to any region.

The coasts of the islands are stunning. They have cliffs and dunes. The beaches are the key attraction for everyone including the native people and the tourists. The lagoons are one of the best places to stay at night times and celebrate different occasions. In fact, the entire area is filled with numerous lakes and lagoons where people spend their leisure hours. The larger islands are used for inhibition while the smaller ones are used for preservation purposes.

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