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Home » Bangladesh » World-Famous Newspaper » The Guardian
UK, Estb.: 1821

The Guardian is a UK based English daily newspaper. It was founded in 1821. This newspaper was known as The Manchester Guardian until 1959. From its beginnings as a local newspaper The Guardian has developed into a national newspaper associated with a complex organizational structure and an international multimedia and web presence.The Guardian is presently edited by prominent journalist Alan Rusbridger.

This newspaper’s online edition was the third most vastly read in the world as of June 2012. The Guardian has nearly 9 million readers print and online combined. It was founded in 1821 by John Edward Taylor in Manchester with backing from the non-conformist Little Circle group of local businessmen, The Manchester Guardian replaced the radical Manchester Observer, which championed the Peterloo Massacre protesters.

The paper presently identifies with social liberalism. In the last UK general election in 2010, it supported the Liberal Democrats, who went on to form a coalition government with the Conservatives. The Guardian is prominent in the design and publishing arena, sponsoring many awards in these areas.

Till December, 2014; 4,097,836 people like The Guardian  page on Facebook: So we can have a clear idea that The Guardian is also most popular in world best social media. For measuring world wide website ranking by, The Guardian present position till December 2014,  167 in Global Rank, 115 in United States, Bounce rate is 67.40% and 35.3% reader reads it through the internet from the United States.

This newspaper has changed format and design over the years, moving from broadsheet to Berliner. It became an international media organization with affiliations to other national papers with similar aims. The Guardian Weekly, which is circulated worldwide, contains huge articles from The Guardian and its sister Sunday paper. The Observer, as well as reports, features, and book reviews from The Washington Post and articles translated from Le Monde.
Newspaper readers can easily take the taste of the printed version of The Guardian through online:

Whenever, whatever news information you want, you can easily get from their websites archive. Not only that, The Guardian has also very rich news portal:, in there you will not get advertised which is published in the printed version, but its contents very useful which is important to develop your daily life.

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