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Home » Bangladesh » Jobs Media » Prothom Alo Jobs
Dhaka, Bangladesh is a popular career portal in Bangladesh. It is a sister concern or franchise of Prothom Alo (Leading Bangla Daily). In social changes the company plays like a stimulant from the very beginning. In a developing country like Bangladesh, the scarcity of jobs and unemployment problems when at a rise, this career portal comes out with a great vision. It was founded in 2007 successfully.

According to the requirements of Digital Bangladesh, Prothom Alo Jobs portal directly connects the employers with the job seekers also lessens the time and expenditures of employers. This leading online-based technology provides the facilities like posting resume and online application. The job seekers apply for and find jobs offered by the leading companies of the country, while the employers advertise on required categories for capable aspirants for employment. It provides worthwhile employment publicity to proprietor companies.

Prothom Alo Jobs hold many sessions on different features like training sessions, job market consciousness programs etcetera. They provides much knowledge about the existing vocation market. Moreover, they have inaugurated radio show and newspaper column with arranged strategies for job seekers. Hence, people becomes productive and accomplished.

On social networking sites like Facebook, twitter they achieved vast coverage. At present total 1,921,328 likes on their Facebook official page. Their address of Dhaka Corporate Office is 19, Karwan Bazar, Tejgoan, Dhaka-1215.

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