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Dhaka, Bangladesh

The Daily Sangram is one of the oldest newspaper of Bangladesh. “Sangram” is a Bangla word which means “Battle”, this battle against Corruption, Unethical activity anywhere anytime happens in the world by using the power of print media. Mainly they focus on Islamic Political activity all over the world.

At that point, any kind of injustice behavior against Muslim Nation, all the time they are defendant. That’s why Sangram mostly popular in Islamic cultured people. The Daily Sangram is a Pro-Jamaat-e-Islami Bengali daily newspaper published from Dhaka, Bangladesh. The name its editor is Abul Asad, who is also the writer of the popular fiction series, the Saimum Series.

The Daily Sangram publishes both Bangladesh and international news as well as local and regional perspectives. It also provides entertainment, business, science, technology, sports, movies, travel, jobs, education, health, environment, human-rights related news and views.

Not only that, it is still now carries its own Islamic identity. It’s published from Al-Falah Printing Press. And its office is near Jamat-e-Islami office in Mogbazar, Dhaka-1217. As an oldest newspaper, it did not stay with its tradition, also welcome the new technology without any hesitation.

Newspaper reader can easily take the taste of printed version through online- Whenever whatever news information you want in Bengali Language, you can easily get from their websites archive. Their content very useful which is important for develop your daily life. Till December, 2014; 960,807 people like Daily Sangram page in Facebook-, so it is clear that Daily Sangram also popular in world best social media.

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