Vatican City is a part of Italy’s capital Rome. Being the world’s smallest physical state, the city has quite a few numbers of newspapers. L’Osservatore Romano is the oldest press organisation working for the Vatican. Founded on July 1, 1861, under Pius IX, it became the official newspaper of the Holy See in 1885 under Leo XIII. It publishes weekly editions in six different languages, i.e. French, Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese and German.
Also, the Holy See Press Office daily produces the Holy See Press Office Bulletin available to all with a version under embargo that is available only to licensed journalists. There are two other popular newspaper known as Acta Apostolicae Sedis and L’Osservatore della Domenica.
The Holy See also controls the broadcast of the Vatican Radio which began on February 12, 1931. Programs are broadcast in 34 languages and sent on shortwave (two), medium-wave (three), FM (four), satellite frequencies and on the Internet.
Vatican Television Centre began in 1983 and also went in complete control of the Holy See in 1996. It broadcasted activities and messages of the pope and related to Catholic Church concerns. Octava Dies is a weekly TV magazine show aired internationally, and along with this, there are 130 live broadcasts per annum.