Kashmirwatch.com is a Europe based news portal of Kashmir International Research Centre (KIRC), an independent non-profit research organisation. The KIRC has been researching, collecting stories and media clippings about the situation in the Jammu and Kashmir . Kashmir International Research Centre (KIRC) has been renamed as Kashmir.
Foundation and founded in 2014. The objective of the porta: ‘www.kashmirwatch.com’ is to provide news, views and opinions with background information on Kashmir, which has been hogging the headlines since an armed conflict for the self-determination right began there in 1988.
Kashmir Watch updates round the clock news and views contributed by reporters, news agencies and noted writers. It also covers stories, editorials and columns on Kashmir carried by news agencies and newspapers elsewhere. Overall, it enables the reader to feel the pulse and gauge the thoughts of opinion makers, intellectuals, human rights activists and parliamentarians worldwide.
Kashmir Watch also covers world-wide issues that impact on global peace. It is sincerely committed to enlighten the world regarding the real nature and picture of the Kashmir conflict through its unbiased and impartial reporting and research.