Nasle Farda is an Iranian weekly newspaper. It was established in 1999 in Tehran. However the authority tried to publish the paper eight years back, but could not do that due to political hindrance and some other difficulties. The owner of the media is Engineer Reza Mahzouniya.
Its language is Persian. Basically Nasle Farda is a life-style newspaper. However it gives news on politics, economy, society, culture & art, sports, commerce and provincial issues.
In first stage the paper had been distributed in different provinces and cities inside Iran till 2008. The authority got license on this year could to broadcast worldwide.
Alexa Traffic Rank says that the global rank of Nasle Farda is 5,24,412 and the rank in Iran 27,197. 96% readers are from Iran. The page views per visitor is 4.50.
Visitors used search engine “google” to find out Nasle Farda. The media is found not so active in social media.
It has two offices in Iran. One is at Tehran, another one is at Isfahan. Its mail ID to contact is [email protected].