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Ecuador is a country on South America’s west coast. The land area of Ecuador is 283,560 km², and the population is 16.62 million (2017). The capital city of Ecuador is Quito.

There are various kinds of newspapers in Ecuador, and they release almost all types of news of their daily activities, events, or important announcements, and much other important news. The updated list of the newspapers of Ecuador is Hoy, La Hora, El Comercio, El Tiempo, El Mercurio, El Telégrafo, El Universo, El Quiteño Libre, Diario Extra. Besides, there are some internet-based news media outlets are working as well. They provide with the latest news and information to the visitors. Some of the best known internet-based media outlets are Vistazo, Metro Quil, La Hora, Los Andes, Prensa La Verdad, Portada, El Heraldo, Correo, El Rio, Ecuador Transparente, La Nación. Ecuador offers magazines as well. Top magazines of Ecuador include Hogar women’s magazine, Estadio, Generación 21 teen magazine, Vistazo, Cosas, Ekos, Bg Magazine, Trama architecture or design.

There are six private channels and four government-run channels, and these include- RTS, Telerama, Ecuavisa, Radio y Televisión Unidas, Latele and Oromar Televisión, Ecuador TV, TC Televisión, Gama TV.

Streaming radio stations are the easiest way to listen to your favorite music. Almost every country in the world has many radio stations so as well as Ecuador. The Voice of the Andes is the first radio station of Ecuador, and it was founded in 1931. The other radio stations are Diblu FM, Radio Canela, HCQR1, Los 40 Principales, La Voz del Tomebamba, Radio Rumba Network, Radio Canela, Radio Onda Positiva, Radio Majestad, La Otra FM.

Ecuador is one of the advanced countries in the world, so it is entirely internet accessed. It is well wired, and it is one of the most wired countries in the world. The internet users of Ecuador are 31.4% of the population (2011), and also it has increased by time. They can access the internet at home or anywhere via any device. The internet speed in Ecuador is quite fast, and the internet is widely available at a very affordable price. If you want to surf the web, check your email, want to know any information or communicate, there are plenty of options in Ecuador. There are many paid WIFI connections and many internet cafes. There are many internet service provider in Ecuador, and it includes- JOSEFOSNET INTERNET, SYBER ANAHI, COMPU_SERVER, Ciber Café, ASTRONET.EC.

Ecuador is one of the advanced countries in the world. In Ecuador, telecommunications includes- Newspaper, news websites, television, radio, and internet. In the future, we can hope that this country will be more advanced and developed and people will have more opportunities for the telecommunication.





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