Peru is a country in South America. The land area of Paraguay is 1.285 million km², and the population is 32.17 million (2017). The capital city of Peru is Lima.
The first newspaper in Peru is El Peruano, and it was a daily newspaper. The Newspaper was founded by Simón Bolívar on October 22, 1825. Moreover, there are various kinds of newspapers in Peru, and they release almost all types of news of their daily activities, events, or important announcements, and much other important news. The updated list of the newspapers of Peru is- El Peruano, La República, El Comercio, Mercurio Peruano, La Voz de Chincha, Chicha press, Los parias. Besides, there are some internet-based news media outlets are working as well. They provide with the latest news and information to the visitors. Some of the best known internet-based media outlets are Cronica Viva, Acceso Peru, Con Nuestro Peru, Peru Actual, Peru Noticias, Agencia Peru, Peru Informa, Peruvian Times, Peru Punto. Peru offers magazines, as well. Top magazines of Peru include- Caretas, Business, Agenda Diplomática, Freak Out!
The first television station of Peru was Channel 4 Radio América. It was founded on December 15, 1958, by Nicanor González and José Antonio Umbert. There are 105 television broadcasters. Some of them are- Antena Region, Antenavisión Televisión, Antena 5, Atenas TV, Televisión Chimbote, TV Perú Austral, nka Visión, Megavisión.
Streaming radio stations are the easiest way to listen to your favorite music. Almost every country in the world has many radio stations so as well as Peru. The first and the oldest radio station of Peru is Radio Nacional del Perú. It started broadcasting on June 15, 1925. The most popular radio stations are- Panamericana Radio, Nueva Q FM, Radio Nacional del Perú, Radio Karibeña, Radio Mágica, Radio Rumba.
Peru is one of the advanced countries in the world, so it is entirely internet accessed. It is well wired. The internet users of Peru are 36.5% of the population (2011), but it has increased until today. They can access the internet at home or anywhere via any device. The internet speed in Peru is fast, and the internet is widely available at a very affordable price. If you want to surf the web, check your email, want to know any information or communicate, there are plenty of options in Peru. There are many paid WIFI connections and many internet cafes. There are many internet service providers in Peru, and those are- Innova Networks Peru SAC, Antena Bitel Peru, G Suite Perú, PUZATEL PERU EIRL.
In Peru, telecommunication includes newspapers, television, radio, and internet, etc. Peru is much eminent in the use of telecommunication of the world. Almost all kind of people on this island uses the advantages of telecommunication. By this, Peru will gain prosperity and also will be more improved like the other advanced countries.